Monday, 19 May 2014

Dollops of Chutney with Soul

Rubies in the Rubble celebrates everything I love about food. Since trying a sample of Spiced Banana chutney on a oat cake at Borough Market last week I’ve been having sweet, sweet chilli dreams. It is defiantly a first class product with luxury branding and prices steering it away from similar projects that address food wastage in the UK that tend to be associated with the second rate, charity focused products. Rubies in the Rubble suggests it is quality cooking and a quality recipe that produce a quality product, not polished fruit and veg in pristine rows. After all, giraffe bananas make for the best banana bread and apples that have got into  a few punch ups in the fruit bowl are perfect for crumbles. This logic applies even more so in the instance of chutney because the process of preservation eliminates the issue of shelf life. Hats off to Jenny Dawson and her delicious chutneys.

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